Thursday, February 13, 2014

Ice, Ice, BABY!

        Earlier this week, we got the warning that another snow storm might be coming. Our eyes were glued to the weather channel, just looking for signs of that "white stuff". Tuesday at school, my students were all hyped up on the possibility of another snow day. I was not to keen on the idea, because:

1. I HATE cold weather...other than the super cute layers of clothing and fires in the fireplace.

2. We had already missed ONE day of school and we were already having to make that one up...I didn't want to make up MORE!

3. Mr. B does not, DOES NOT do well in closed quarters. He must be DOING something every minute of the day that he is not sleeping so, there would be no super sweet snuggle-by-the-fireside time for us. I knew I would either be driven crazy by his cabin fever OR be worried sick about him driving around on dangerous roads looking for things to do.

     However, with my students acting like caged animals...I was hoping for an early dismissal Tuesday. Many schools did get dismissed, however we stayed until the very end of the day. I even got observed by my principal (which was kind of nerve wracking considering the condition of my students) but she was very understanding of the situation and now...I don't have to worry about it for the rest of the year!!! That's something to celebrate!

    Anyway, Wednesday morning (exactly two weeks from our last snow day 1/29/14) we woke up to another winter wonderland. It looked just as pretty as the last time...except this time IT WAS ALL ICE!!! The slippery, hard, no-fun, cold, white stuff.

    Needless to say, school was cancelled for the next THREE days. Power was shutting off EVERYWHERE! Luckily, my parents have a wood burning stove that is super warm and doesn't require any electricity.

    My sister Cierra, her husband Sean, and my ADORABLE niece came over to hang out with us because they were worried about their power going out and being stranded, since the weather was getting worse. That meant...lots of snuggle time with Addi V!

    Eventually, our whole family came over to play in the ice and we ended up hanging out all day watching movies, laughing at silly things, walking around in the ice, playing Clue and taking pictures. It was tons of fun!

     When we realized that the roads were continuing to worsen, everyone decided to sleep over and we had a HUGE slumber party!!! My family is loud anyway, but when we are all together...its impossible to get a moments peace. It's how we are, I love it, and I wouldn't change it for the world!

     Thursday, we woke up, ate waffles and did some more ice play. Here are some of the pictures from our day:

      My family is large. My family is loud. We're opinionated, obnoxious, and people say we're sheltered. But you know, I wouldn't change a thing. I can't wait to introduce Baby B to this crazy, beautiful life that I live amongst this family that I love so much! I know he/she will soak up the loud-and-crazy right along with Mommy and Daddy. :)

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